Custom Web App Development Services

Working with a software development company to build web apps for your business will provide your users access to web applications wherever they are, as long as they have an internet connection and access to a browser.

Ready to Customize Your Software?

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Transform Your Business with Custom Web Apps

If your business has employees spread out across multiple locations but needs to use the same software product, web solutions are the perfect fit. Since web apps are accessed through a browser and not downloaded and saved to a hard drive, your business can also free up storage space.

Personalized Business Tools for Unique Needs

Your business has unique workflows and business objectives that cannot always be met with off-the-shelf software solutions. With Geneca’s custom website development services, you can build a web application designed to cater to your unique needs and workflows.

During the planning and design phase of the application development process, our team will work with you to identify how every page will function and how it will streamline user workflows.

Reap the Benefits of App Customization

Custom web applications are ideal for businesses with unique needs and workflows. If your business has tried multiple software solutions but can’t find one that fits your requirements, custom web application development is your answer.

Working with a web application development company will allow you to build a web app around your current and future business needs. The development process requires the web app development company to work closely with business stakeholders, ensuring the final product meets your needs.

Succeed Beyond Off-the-Shelf Solutions

It’s common to see businesses use multiple off-the-shelf software solutions in tandem to manage their operations. While this can technically get the job done, it often comes at the expense of complex employee workflows and blind spots in data integrity.

With custom web portals, you can build a solution that manages all of these functions in a centralized location, allowing you to operate efficiently and effectively.

How Our Custom Web App Development Services Work

Regardless of the complexity of your web application project, we will take an Agile approach to development, keeping you informed every step of the way. Using the following phases of the software development life cycle, our web application development team will deliver a high-quality final product that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.


During the discovery phase of the web application development process, we will work together to determine what you need out of your custom web app. We’ll examine your processes, business needs, and user workflows to ensure a seamless integration and a web app that resolves all the current frustrations users experience.

Our web app development team includes leadership members, business analysts, and experienced web developers with technical expertise in web application development. Together we will identify how to grow your business and surpass your business goals with a custom web application. With a detailed plan for your project, you can be confident in every detail and step in the custom web application development timeline.


Once we have confirmed the plan and timeline for the web app development project, our team of business analysts and web app developers will work together to build high-fi mockups of your platform. This will give you a chance to review the features and design of your web app and get feedback from business leaders and stakeholders.

Once the design of the web application is confirmed, our team developers will start building the application. We take an Agile approach to software development, working in iterative sprints to deliver pieces of the application throughout the project’s timeline.


As the development team completes its iterative sprints, our quality assurance testers will extensively test the software to ensure it provides users with a seamless experience. We will identify any bugs or workflow issues and resolve them before the web application is deployed to your users.

Throughout the course of a project, we will have regular meetings to review the project’s progress, discuss any blockers, and demo features that have been developed. This allows you to see tangible progress and relay updates to internal stakeholders.


Once the web app development is complete, we will work together to deploy your web application to your users. Our web application development services include user training, building a marketing plan, and transitioning from legacy solutions.

Our partnership doesn’t have to end after your web app is deployed. As more users interact with the application, chances are you will identify new ways to streamline workflows and improve the overall user experience. Our development team is here to support your business and offer maintenance, ensuring your web application grows with your business needs.

Why Choose Our Custom Web App Development Services?

What makes Geneca different from other web development companies? We believe that building custom web solutions requires partnership, and we will work closely with your business every step of the way. This partnership mindset means you are integral to the development process and will be well-informed about the progress of your web application.

Expertise Across Multiple Industries

We specialize in custom software, but our teams have experience and expertise in many industries. We’re here to provide more than just your next custom software solutions–we’re here to help you dominate in your field.





Insurance Services

Medical Services


Customer-Centric Approach to Development

At Geneca, we approach web development projects with a partnership mindset. Before we even begin the project, we will learn about your business, including your mission, vision, timeline, challenges, and objectives. Knowing everything you expect throughout the web application development process will ensure we deliver a final product that meets all of your needs.

We will have regular meetings throughout the website development project to keep you involved and updated on the current status. This allows you to verify progress, provide input, resolve blockers, and speak up if you notice something is incorrect. With our partnership approach, we value your input and require it to deliver your final product successfully.

Pioneers in Cutting-Edge Technology

At Geneca, we have a team of full-stack developers ready to offer web development services to help you achieve your business goals. Our web app developers will use every tool necessary to build custom and progressive web apps that meet your unique requirements. We will take a platform-agnostic approach to your custom web application development, choosing the technology that fits your web solution best and ensuring we build scalable web apps.


  • Angular 2+
  • AngularJS
  • Knockout.js
  • Ember.js
  • React
  • Ionic
  • LESS / Sass
  • Bootstrap
  • Zurb Foundation
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • CSS
  • HTML


  • .NET Core
  • C#
  • Java
  • Spring MVC
  • PHP
  • Ruby / Ruby on Rails
  • Python
  • Go
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Grunt
  • Passport.js
  • Redis
  • Django
  • Symfony
  • Laravel
  • Mongoose
  • Visual Basic
  • C++
  • C

Web Server Technologies

  • Internet Information Services (IIS)
  • Apache
  • Lighttpd
  • Node.js

Technology Stacks

  • Microsoft Stack
  • LAMP Stack
  • MEAN Stack

Cloud Technologies

  • Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud
  • Heroku
  • SharePoint

Process Management

  • Confluence
  • Bitbucket
  • Jira
  • Vagrant
  • Docker
  • Team Foundation Server (TFS) / TFVC
  • Git
  • Subversion (SVN)

System Integrations

  • Microservices
  • SOA
  • RabbitMQ
  • IronMQ
  • SSO


  • iOS Native
  • Android Native
  • React Native
  • Xamarin
  • Cordova / PhoneGap
  • jQuery mobile


  • SQL Server
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Oracle Database
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sybase ASE
  • NoSQL

Reliable Post-Delivery Support and Updates

Once the web application is deployed, we offer our services for maintenance and product updates. As your business grows, your web app should grow with it. As a web development company, we are here to be long-term partners and deliver the support you need to grow your business.

We will produce a maintenance plan for your web app to verify ongoing support, including security updates to deter external threats.

Secure Your Business’s Future with Our Custom Web App Development Services

The right web application can transform your business operations and help you surpass your competitors. We approach software development by examining the business problems you’re experiencing and then determining how a software solution can support your business. Together, we can build a scalable custom web application designed to support your business’s future.

Let’s Create Custom Web Apps That Power Your Success

When you partner with Geneca, our team of business analysts will help you determine how you can build a web app that strategically supports your employees in their daily workflows. Together, we can build a custom web application that will empower your employees to take your business to the next level.

Request a Free Consultation Today

Here at Geneca, we offer free consultations to determine if our web application development services are the right fit for your business. Contact us today to set up a meeting with a member of our leadership team!