Understanding the Importance of Production Scheduling Software in Manufacturing

Production scheduling software, also referred to as manufacturing scheduling software, holds a key role in the manufacturing process. Designed to plan the production schedule and operations, manufacturers can use this software solution to optimize resource allocation and reduce downtime. By scheduling out the production operations in advance, manufacturing companies can effectively plan preventive maintenance, manage inventory levels, and schedule the necessary employees.

The Role of Production Scheduling in Manufacturing

When a manufacturing company effectively uses production planning software, it can transform the approach to manufacturing operations and production tasks. By using advanced technology and algorithms, production planning software can gather and analyze data to create a realistic production schedule to maximize productivity.

With production scheduling software, manufacturers can have more control over machine availability and equipment downtime, especially when used with an equipment management software solution. With real-time data, management can quickly evaluate the current state of the production lines and make swift changes when necessary.

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Benefits of Implementing a Production Scheduling Software

Production scheduling software can streamline workflows and improve overall operations, but how is this accomplished? There are a few benefits that we can review that help contribute to these end results.

Cost Savings

One of the primary purposes of production scheduling software is to reduce overall production costs and required time while still producing high-quality products. By integrating production planning software with other software solutions, such as enterprise resource planning software (ERP) and manufacturing execution systems (MES), manufacturing companies can gain more value from the system.

The cost savings can also be evaluated by the type of software solution that is ultimately picked and implemented. With off-the-shelf software, there are ongoing licensing fees and the additional cost of having to perform any task or process outside of the software solution if there isn’t an existing capability. With custom software solutions, there is a higher initial cost, but the ability to perform all of the needed tasks and the potential for automation can have a higher ROI in the long run.

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Automating production processes has become a standard practice as the manufacturing industry continues to adopt new and advanced technology. In manufacturing scheduling software, workflows can be automated to reduce the risk of human error, improving the overall production performance.

Automation in the manufacturing process can also be accomplished using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. By integrating connected devices in the production scheduling software, manufacturers can utilize machine learning and predictive analytics to anticipate system errors and resolve them early on.


When building a custom production planning software solution, manufacturers can determine what features would be most beneficial for their company. One feature that all manufacturing companies can benefit from is notifications.

Production planning and scheduling software can be built to notify managers when there are unexpected changes to the production process, including machines breaking down or employees not showing up for their shifts. With these notifications, managers can quickly react and update the master production schedule to avoid unnecessary downtime.

How to Choose the Right Production Scheduling Software for Your Manufacturing Unit

There are countless types of production planning software in the market that could be the right fit for your manufacturing company, but how can you determine which one is the best? Evaluate the software company and solution to see if they can meet your business requirements, understand the implementation process and what’s included, and see if there are any support services post-go-live.

How to Choose the Right Production Scheduling Software for Your Manufacturing Unit

How to Choose the Right Production Scheduling Software for Your Manufacturing Unit: Evaluating Your Manufacturing Requirements, Understanding the Implementation Process of Each Software, Post-Installation Support and Training

Evaluating Your Manufacturing Requirements

When choosing a production scheduling software solution, manufacturers must identify what features are required for their company’s unique workflows. When shopping for an off-the-shelf software solution, it can be difficult to find one that meets all of your requirements. This can lead to manufacturers paying for countless production scheduling software features that they’ll never use.

For example, small manufacturing companies will have different needs and levels than large manufacturing companies. Some requirements to take note of can include integration capabilities, automation functions, and reporting options.

As a manufacturing company, using an off-the-shelf software solution that doesn’t fit your needs could result in a small ROI. This often leads companies to go the custom software route, giving them the ability to build a solution that fits a company’s unique business needs and workflows.

Understanding the Implementation Process of Each Software

The implementation process will depend on the type of software production planning solution a manufacturing business goes with. With an off-the-shelf software solution, the implementation process will depend more on the software company’s standard practice than the requirements of the manufacturing company’s current manufacturing processes and software system.

With a custom software solution, the implementation will depend more on the manufacturing company’s current setup. At Geneca, our implementation services include more than just pushing your production scheduling software live. We will also help perform risk management, create training documents, and ensure a seamless transition from your legacy software.

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Post-installation Support and Training

Once the production scheduling software is live and used by the manufacturing company, some software development companies will end the project there. At Geneca, we offer our services after you go live to support training efforts and resolve bugs found by users in the live environment.

Throughout the software development process, our team of business analysts and quality assurance testers will thoroughly test the various functions and workflows of the software solution. However, there is always the chance of bugs being found in the live environment.

Also, the workflows and processes built might have made sense during the planning stage of the process but might end up being more confusing for the actual users. We can work together to make changes to the solution as your users or business needs change, ensuring a scalable solution that grows with your business.

Work With Geneca Today

If you’re ready to take the next step and improve your manufacturing operations with a custom production scheduling software solution, contact Geneca today! We have a team of experienced software development experts who are ready to support your manufacturing company.