Understanding EHR and EMR Software Integration

EHR and EMR technology are common in today’s advanced telehealth landscape, so having an extensive understanding of the functions and capabilities of these systems is essential to use telehealth technology effectively. Let’s review what EHR and EMR software systems are and how they benefit everyone involved in the healthcare industry.

Basic Concept of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

An electronic medical record (EMR) is essentially a digital version of traditional paper charts and forms that healthcare organizations use in clinical settings. EMR software solutions will typically store patients’ medical information, treatment history, and visit summaries for an individual medical practice.

Electronic health records (EHR) are comprehensive digital records of patient medical records, including a medical history, that multiple healthcare providers and organizations can maintain. Healthcare organizations that use EHR software solutions have higher interoperability, allowing them to work with other professionals to improve patient care.

The Significance of EHR and EMR Integration in Healthcare Management

EHR and EMR technology transformed how healthcare practices manage patient information and deliver healthcare services. Integrating EHR and EMR systems with other telehealth systems allows healthcare professionals to review relevant patient information through other healthcare software applications. For example, a healthcare provider can reference patient information when reviewing lab results to determine if any results are cause for concern.

With the digital transformation the healthcare industry has experienced, EHR and EMR integration have become more essential to improving patient care. Being able to share patient data across organizations and providers results in more accurate information, improving diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and patient outcomes.

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Key Benefits of EHR and EMR Integration

Integrating EHR and EMR systems can bring benefits to medical practices, healthcare providers, and patients. Some of these key benefits include:

  • Synchronized patient information across healthcare systems
  • Access to real-time and accurate patient data
  • Improved patient outcomes due to current patient information and access to a patient’s complete medical history
  • Fewer data errors and reduced risk of human error
  • Increased patient engagement to update personal information
  • Automated entry of patient health information (PHI)

These benefits ultimately improve the patient experience and reduce the amount of time healthcare professionals spend on administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on patient care.

Essentials for Successful EHR and EMR Software Implementation

While the EMR and EHR implementation process looks different for every healthcare organization, there are some steps that will help build a successful EMR integration plan.

Analyzing Current Processes and Identifying Areas for Improvement

A good starting point for building a successful EMR or EHR implementation plan is to look at the current workflows and identify any issues or headaches. When looking at areas for improvement, identifying what the current process and system do well will also provide valuable insight.

By examining what the current system does well and where it can be improved, a medical practice can determine what its ideal EMR system looks like and start shopping for a product that meets all its needs.

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Choosing the Right EHR and EMR Software

Off-the-shelf or prepackaged software solutions for EHR and EMR systems are in the market, but they might not fit every healthcare organization’s needs. If this is the case, building a custom software system is the ideal solution to ensure the EMR software performs all the needed functions for a medical practice. Going with a custom software system also ensures the final product will be scalable and able to grow with your organization.

Training Staff and Ensuring User Competency

Training the healthcare professionals who will be using the EHR and EMR system is essential to proper use and a successful rollout. Multiple training solutions can be implemented, including a live training session, recorded video walkthroughs, and a user guide with troubleshooting recommendations. Having these resources available to users will ensure that common user errors can be self-resolved and managers are only dealing with complex issues.

Challenges and Risks Associated with EHR and EMR Integration

When building software that manages sensitive patient data and telehealth technology, there will be risks in the EMR and EHR integration process. Being aware of these challenges from the beginning will help the EMR software development team combat any complications, facilitating integration as seamlessly as possible.

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Data Security and Privacy Concerns

Data security and patient privacy are likely the top concerns of any healthcare provider. Having extensive data security protocols builds patient trust and loyalty but is also a legal requirement. In the healthcare industry, providers and organizations must follow relevant patient data regulations, which can include HIPAA or GDPR.

Some of the safeguards that can be built into an EMR software solution to increase the security level include multi-factor authentication, user-role access controls, and session inactivity timeouts. Working with a software development company that has experience in building healthcare solutions can ensure your EMR system is in compliance with regional regulations.

Interoperability Issues

One of the benefits of EMR and EHR systems is the ability to access patient information through other telehealth solutions. In order to access this information from integrated solutions, the systems have to go through the data-sharing process, also referred to as interoperability.

Some of the challenges of interoperability include data standardization, complex systems integration, and maintaining data integrity. Addressing these during the software development process will reduce the risk of running into issues with live users.

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Data Loss and System Downtime Risks

When dealing with a software solution, there is always a risk of system downtime and losing data. Having a backup copy of the EMR and EHR data will ensure that if there is a data loss in the main system, the data can be restored.

Systems can go down for a variety of reasons, so having a game plan in place when it goes down is essential to getting it back up in a reasonable amount of time. One way to build this plan is to work with a software development company to review your EMR system and create a risk mitigation plan.

Strategies for Effective EHR and EMR Integration

There are multiple approaches to EHR and EMR integration that will get the job done, but let’s review a few best practices to ensure an effective and seamless system integration.

Employing a Phased Approach to Integration

With a phased approach to integration, pieces of the telehealth system will be integrated at a time. This ensures the entire system is not impacted if there are any bugs or issues with integration. The phased approach also spreads out the users learning a new system, reducing the influx of questions from new users that will naturally come up.

Ensuring System Compatibility

When selecting or building an EMR system, it’s essential to confirm they are compatible with any existing telehealth solutions. Integrating EMR systems with telehealth products is difficult when there are data inconsistencies or regular disruptions due to system complications. Consulting with an experienced software development company can ensure that all systems are compatible and scalable for future solutions.

Involve IT Professionals and Consultancy Services

One way to ensure a seamless integration is to employ software development professionals to support the process. Having an experienced professional who is familiar with the industry, software, and risks can give new insights into the process.

How Geneca Can Help

Geneca has a team of software development professionals with experience and expertise in the healthcare industry. Whether you’re looking for a full team to build your EHR or EMR software system or a consultant to help integrate an existing system, Geneca is here to help. Contact us today for a commitment-free consultation!