If software product adoption is the house, users are the key. After a product launch, organizations are often surprised when a new product doesn’t deliver the expected results. While in some cases, adoption may remain high when software product success is lower than...
In the product strategy phase, objectives of participants in the conference room and at a remote location may be the same, but the experience is different. Effectively managing product strategy facilitation means adapting your strategy for a remote audience. First,...
The terms User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are commonly used in not only dialogue surrounding technology, but business in general. We’ve found that while UX and UI are familiar terms to the business community at large, a fair amount of confusion about them...
Last week, we explored how “fuzzy words” can either help or hurt the path to inventing, building and launching a product. The first post of the two-part series argues that fuzzy words – or ambiguous terms – helps the development process, particularly...
In the software development cycle, words matter. When we invent new products, we give them names, define their features and describe who the product is for and its purpose in life – that’s the foundation, or “the why” of the product. When developing, we write stories...
Trading encyclopedias for Google, VHS for online streaming and landlines for iPhones, millennials are a generation of simplicity, ease-of-use, and access. Millennials currently represent the largest portion of the American workforce. A recent study took a...
Take a minute to think about the words you use to communicate with others. Have you ever struggled to come up with the ‘right’ word to convey your exact meaning? In business, we use shared language to communicate with our team to achieve common goals. The words we...
I remember the day I ruined TV dinners for my father. No, I did not burn his supper. I introduced him to the microwave. My dad was born in 1929, walked to school barefoot in the snow, uphill both ways in Oklahoma, and neither trusted nor enjoyed most electronics. ...
What can a necktie and a virtual reality thrill ride teach us about the power of shared language and innovation? A lot, actually! I recently spent a week in Orlando with my family enjoying the breadth of entertainment offered by the area’s theme parks. Having visited...
15 year old scotch can be fabulous. 15 year old software can be risky. What will you do when the software product that runs your business, helps close sales, and brings in revenue becomes obsolete? What is Obsolete Software? Obsolete software means the product...
In software, the catalog is the center of the universe. Yet, during my nearly 40 years of experience, I’ve often wondered: Why do we approach building software differently than we approach building anything else? In software development, clients can articulate the end...
What do millennials want? If you knew the answer to that, you probably wouldn’t be interested in reading this blog. But I want to let you in on a secret: millennials want what everyone else wants. We’ve just been taught that we don’t have to settle. With so many...
Joel Basgall, CEO and CoFounder of Geneca, recently posted this article to the Entrepreneur website. Do you see software as an essential way to provide more value with your products and services to keep your customers happy and loyal? You probably don’t. And that’s a...
Joel Basgall, CEO and CoFounder of Geneca, recently posted this article to the Entrepreneur website. Industry standards are for often less than helpful — especially when they’re used to make strategic business decisions. Granted, some benchmarks are useful for...
Through the entrepreneurial lens of my experience, I’ve developed an interesting theory: people are more inclined to move when the pain of change is less than the pain to stay the same. More people seem to be motivated by wanting to avoid pain than actually capturing...
Human interaction today is saturated with continuous interruption, demonstrated most obviously by our addiction to the real-time access of smartphones and social media. As humans, we experience interruption in a way that aligns closely with the commonly used...
It’s no secret that remarkable success rarely comes without failures, demonstrated by a finding that 70% of new products fail to meet market demands. Most organizations distinguish innovation as the desired destination, yet the stops (and detours) along the way often...
Appreciation and recognition are crucial in employee retention and engagement. However, this becomes challenging to do effectively as advanced technology allows your team to be more distributed. A recent Gallup survey found that increased numbers of Americans are...
Last week, we defined “invent” as the act of creating something purely new, as part of our 3 I’s of Innovation blog series that also includes “iterate” and “interrupt.” In an age where every idea has already been brought to life, it’s next to impossible to create...
Participate in a strategy session at just about any leading product-driven organization today and you’ll be hard pressed not to be inundated with the word innovation. Understandably so – innovation is a powerful word, connoting growth, inspiration and market...